Benefit evening – Country Party 2022

Project information


Armand Frappier Foundation




Internal events (foundation)


Bonsecours Market, Montreal (QC)


Turnkey (sound, lighting, projection, rigging, stage, LED screens, technicians)

Equipment used

2 large LED screens of 7.5' x 13', 36 PAR Led 120W RGBW, 8 Moving light Clay Paky Axcor 300 spot, 1 Sound system for 400 people, 4 televisions for retransmission of sponsor logos, 1 illuminated Gobo, 1 complete video control room, And more.

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Project Description

The Fête champêtre Le temps des graines is the Armand-Frappier Foundation’s flagship event. It is an important annual event for the Montreal business community and brings together representatives from the financial, legal, biotechnology, pharmaceutical, insurance and other fields. During this evening, guests have the opportunity to discuss with the Professors of the Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie Center about their work, their discoveries and the scientific advances to which their donations contribute.

We collaborated on this project in order to create a creative scene and enhance the general atmosphere in the room. Our concept consisted of making a ceiling of garlands of light bulbs in order to create a country terrace atmosphere that went very well with this gastronomic event. In addition, we installed 3 columns of LED screens behind the stage to broadcast 4K videos and images of very colorful fields and landscapes. We also lit up a lavender ceiling in the colors of the event that was installed at the entrance of the guests.

Boreal Technique supported the Armand Frappier Foundation by donating part of the value of its services in sponsorship through its philanthropic program.

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