Gala Podium 2023

Project information


Montreal Sports Council




Indoor events (corporate)


Mount Royal Chalet, Montreal (QC)


Turnkey (sound, lighting, projection, rigging, stage, technicians)

Equipment used

2 large LED screens of 7.5' x 13', 24 PAR Led 120W RGBW, 16 Moving light Clay Paky Axcor 300 spot, 1 Sound system for 300 people, 4 televisions for retransmission of sponsor logos, 2 Illuminated gobos, 1 complete video control room, And more.

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Project Description

The Montreal Podium Gala is an event of the Montreal Sports Council that aims to recognize and celebrate the players in the sports community on the Island of Montreal. This initiative aims to honor, among others, athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers and organizations from the sports community of the metropolis.

For 5 years now, Boreal Technique has provided all the technologies related to this protocol evening. We provide 2 large LED screens, quality lighting, a sound system adapted to the Chalet Mont Royal which has several issues at this level, and much more. There are 5 technicians in operation who manage a sound, video and lighting control room and a stage manager who ensures the “planning” of the evening.

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