A legend indicates that the name “Les Salines” comes from the many little protective fairies of the park that emerge from the salt water springs. At sunset, the Saline fairies protect the park.
This fall, the city of Saint-Hyacinthe wanted to bring people to life, for five evenings, through their magical world of light. To make the magic happen, the city of Saint-Hyacinthe trusted Boreal Technique’s recognized expertise in light trails. During this mandate, we installed no less than 1.5 kilometers of visual and sound effects on the trails of Parc des Salines, creating a magic never seen before in the park, converging with the client’s theme.
Result: more than 50,000 people traveled from all over Quebec to enjoy the activation in question. Definitely one of the most successful projects in our history! Light trails are very popular and Boreal Technique is a true leader in the field.
– 12-hour assembly by 16 qualified technicians;
– More than 345 lighting equipment installed;
– 1.75 kilometers of light, sound and visual ambiances;
– Entrance with 20′ x 14′ arched LED screen with integrated customer theme in video form;
– 35,000+ visitors over 5 activation nights.
Our adress
6100, Rue Vanden Abeele
Montréal (Québec)
H4S 1R9
Contact us
(514) 664-2052
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